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Saturday, December 7, 2024
Self-Guided Tour Hours: Properties open at 11:00 am and close at 3:00 pm
$30.00 per person

Properties and addresses:  You do not have to visit properties on number order. 

  1. Merwin House, 14 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA (Park on Main Street, Stockbridge, MA)
  2. Chesterwood, 4 Williamsville Road, Stockbridge, MA (Park on Property: Park in the main parking lot and walk to the front door of the residence on the north side. Handicapped accessible entrance is also available.)
  3. Inn at Stockbridge, (Use Park and Shuttle from Town offices at 50 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA, NO PARKING is permitted on East St/Rte7 or on property)
  4. High Lawn Farm Museum, 535 Summer Street, Lee, MA (Museum is an Open Building, Park on Property: Follow sign to park by the farmstead cream shop.)
  5. Ventfort Hall Mansion and Gilded Age Museum, 104 Walker Street, Lenox, MA (Look for the grey road sign with the open flag! Parking is available in their lot. If the weather is nice, overflow parking is on the lawn to the left of the house. Otherwise, overflow street parking is available on Walker Street.)

Other Important Information:

  • Parking for properties is either on site, on Main Street, Stockbridge or Park & Shuttle, follow parking directions above. There may be a walking distance from parking to the property entrances. 
  • Unfortunately, not all properties offer a fully handicapped or stroller accessible tour and may be difficult to access some of the property for guests with limited mobility. email info@stockbridgechamber.org with any accessibility questions.
  • Dogs are not allowed on any property.
  • Limited to 10 per group.
  • Everyone attending the tour must have a ticket regardless of age. Child Prices are not available.
  • Please have your printed tickets as you arrive on site. NO tickets will be sold on site. If purchasing in a group, all must be present upon admittance.
  • We cannot accommodate a change in tickets. Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please review all information before purchasing and review the number of tickets in your cart before accepting. 
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